Not nessicarily-- rabbits are nocturnal. I have one myself. I certainly don't think it can see in the dark. Owls, though are nocturnal and can see in the dark. However, rabbits cannot.
Nocturnal means when an animal is awake during the night while the Diurnal animals (awake during the day) are asleep. Yes, nocturnal animals do see in the dark because of their special pupils. Hope I helped! (:
No, they are nocturnal and don't need light for sleep.
nocturnal animals
I'm not sure if 'nocturnal eyes' is the correct terminology, but it basically means that whatever has 'nocturnal eyes can see in the dark.
Humans cannot see in dark night but nocturnal animals can see.
cuz theyre nocturnal and can see in the dark.
Hermit Crabs are Nocturnal Therefore, Yes.
Cats are nocturnal household pets, meaning that against all odds they can see in the dark. There eyes glow at night, causing this.
Possums have big eyes because they are nocturnal and it helps them see in the dark.
yes! Mice cant see properly in the light and have to use their whiskars to make a visual image of their surroundings which is not clear. Mice are nocturnal and can see easily in the dark they also like infra-red light.
It means it can see in the darkness a little bit
Night Vision,Being nocturnal in the vision department,Can see in the Dark.