Green and blue.
Manufactures preference. They try to make the colors easily identifiable so types do not get mixed.
Yes - Mussel's are edible. In fact many varieties, such as the Green Lipped Mussel are not only edible but an excellent source of vitamins and essential nutrients like Omega-3's. One Mussel Powder supplement that I am familiar with is called Neptone.
Co,Ni makes cations of different colours. So they make easily identifiable compounds. Elements in the d group make colourful cations.
Sempio - 2011 Korean Food Green Mussel Cho 1-160 was released on: USA: 4 November 2011
The average weight of a Green Shell mussel is between 0.8 oz and 1.4 oz.
The theme must be interpreted by the reader, while the moral is easily identifiable.
A freshwater mussel is also called a unionid mussel or naiad.
Kuku (Perna caniculus) is known as the green-lipped mussel.
The theme must be interpreted by the reader, while the moral is easily identifiable.
A bearded mussel is a mussel found off the coasts of Britain, Latin name Modiolus barbatus, also known as the horse mussel or the horse-bearded mussel.