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Q: Does bacteria decompose eagles
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What can decompose a bobcat?

Fungi and bacteria will decompose a dead bobcat.

Do phytoplanktons decompose?

Yes, phytoplankton are able to decompose. They cannot do it alone, as they need bacteria to do it for them.

What decomposes eagles?


Is a bacteria a producer consumer or decompose?


Is bacteria a consumer decompose or producer?


What are name of the two bacteria which decompose dead materials?

Bacteria , Fungi , Algae!

Can plastic decompose in cement?

no but it breaks up into tiny pieces but does not decompose

Can you write a sentence using the word 'decompose'?

Some bacteria can decompose animal waste into methane gas.

What are three types of decompose?

bacteria worms and funij

What are two types of decompose organisms?

Bacteria and Fungi

What does saprobic bacteria decompose?

Saprobic bacteria is that of which begins the decomposition process by eating and digesting tissues

What is mold made of?

Bacteria that accumulate and mutate/decompose something.