they like to pick there nose and eat it and eat poo they like to pick there nose and eat it and eat poo
No. Unfortunately you cannot pick your nose as it is impossible. Its like a human flying or be invisible. Not going to happen buddy.
pick my nose is Indiana Jones if you have more questions type pick my nose and your question pick my nose is like what's better? this or this? questions so its not what's my name k?
Easy answer ... Depends if your nose has healed before you start picking it...just like any scab you pick... if you pick at it before it heals it bleeds...
Because Georgia smells like po
You pick your nose and act like you have no sence.
he loves to pick his nose but some1 made fun, so he never smiles. he also wears a bra, but only on the weekends
You can pick your nose bigger then your other one
You shouldn't pick your nose anywhere. It nasty and wrong.
It is temptation becausepeople pick their nose because they are bored
If you have to ask a question like that, you deserve to get dumped.