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Anthony Padilla has a younger sister. Her name is Sara/h and her YouTube is nerdgasms or something like that.

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Q: Does Antony padilla have a sister?
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When did Marc Antony Mary Octavian sister?

Marc Antony married Octavian's sister, Octavia, in 40 BC.

Who did mark Antony desert for Cleopatra?

No one. You seem to have your facts backward. Mark Antony deserted his wife, Octavia, for Cleopatra.No one. You seem to have your facts backward. Mark Antony deserted his wife, Octavia, for Cleopatra.No one. You seem to have your facts backward. Mark Antony deserted his wife, Octavia, for Cleopatra.No one. You seem to have your facts backward. Mark Antony deserted his wife, Octavia, for Cleopatra.No one. You seem to have your facts backward. Mark Antony deserted his wife, Octavia, for Cleopatra.No one. You seem to have your facts backward. Mark Antony deserted his wife, Octavia, for Cleopatra.No one. You seem to have your facts backward. Mark Antony deserted his wife, Octavia, for Cleopatra.No one. You seem to have your facts backward. Mark Antony deserted his wife, Octavia, for Cleopatra.No one. You seem to have your facts backward. Mark Antony deserted his wife, Octavia, for Cleopatra.

Does Anthony Padilla have a sister?

Yes he has a younger sister named Sara, I think shes 22...

What was the name of Antony's sister's son?

Her name was Publius.

How did Cleopatra murder her brother and sister?

Cleopatra murdered her brother by poisoning but she didn't technically murder her sister. She had Marc Antony do it for her. You see, Arsinoe, Cleopatra's sister, was under the protection of Rome and Cleopatra wouldn't dare harm her. However Marc Antony was the Roman triumvir and had the power of life and death over Arsinoe. Cleopatra had Antony use his authority to kill her sister.

Who was octavia?

Octavia was the wife of Mark Antony and sister of Octavian.

Who hunted Caesar's killers and then divorced Octavian's sister?

Marc Antony

Why did octavian pressure Antony to marry his sister?

Because he wanted a child

Who killed Cleopatra's sisters?

Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

Did Julius Caesar was killed because he cheated on octavian's sisster with Cleopatra?

You have your people mixed up. Julius Caesar was Octavian's sister's great uncle. He never married her and was killed for different reasons. Octavian's sister, was married to Marc Antony who cheated on her with Cleopatra.You have your people mixed up. Julius Caesar was Octavian's sister's great uncle. He never married her and was killed for different reasons. Octavian's sister, was married to Marc Antony who cheated on her with Cleopatra.You have your people mixed up. Julius Caesar was Octavian's sister's great uncle. He never married her and was killed for different reasons. Octavian's sister, was married to Marc Antony who cheated on her with Cleopatra.You have your people mixed up. Julius Caesar was Octavian's sister's great uncle. He never married her and was killed for different reasons. Octavian's sister, was married to Marc Antony who cheated on her with Cleopatra.You have your people mixed up. Julius Caesar was Octavian's sister's great uncle. He never married her and was killed for different reasons. Octavian's sister, was married to Marc Antony who cheated on her with Cleopatra.You have your people mixed up. Julius Caesar was Octavian's sister's great uncle. He never married her and was killed for different reasons. Octavian's sister, was married to Marc Antony who cheated on her with Cleopatra.You have your people mixed up. Julius Caesar was Octavian's sister's great uncle. He never married her and was killed for different reasons. Octavian's sister, was married to Marc Antony who cheated on her with Cleopatra.You have your people mixed up. Julius Caesar was Octavian's sister's great uncle. He never married her and was killed for different reasons. Octavian's sister, was married to Marc Antony who cheated on her with Cleopatra.You have your people mixed up. Julius Caesar was Octavian's sister's great uncle. He never married her and was killed for different reasons. Octavian's sister, was married to Marc Antony who cheated on her with Cleopatra.

How did Cleopatra kill her sister?

Cleopatra killed her sister in a backhanded way. She was unable to harm her sister because Arsinoe was under the protection of Rome, (Julius Caesar had reprieved her). So Cleopatra trumped up charges against her and had Marc Antony kill her. Antony had the authority to do this because he was the Roman triumvir in the east.