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Yes, garlic is often believed to help repel fleas due to its strong odor, but it is not a proven or recommended method for flea control in pets. In fact, garlic can be toxic to pets in large amounts and should not be used as a flea remedy. It is best to consult with a veterinarian for safe and effective flea control options for your pet.

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Q: Does garlic help with fleas and is it an effective natural remedy for flea control in pets?
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Studies show that garlic may help to reduce triglycerides - you can either use regular garlic when cooking, or buy garlic supplements from a health store. Another remedy is to have foods or supplements rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

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You can apply plain yogurt directly on the affected area. Another natural remedy is garlic--wrap a garlic clove in cheesecloth and tie the end with dental floss. Insert it into the vagina just like a tampon and leave in overnight.

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