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Q: Do zoos only care about money instead of animals?
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Can i own a day care for animals instead of dogs only?

You can own a day care for animals beside dogs,but it may require a license depending on the state.

Do zoos only favor the animals that attract more people?

Most zoos don't favour the animals that attract more people they care for each and every animal. Some other zoos only do it for the money but everything depends on the owner.

Who are cutting down the rainforests and why?

People Are Cutting Down The Rainforests Because They Only Care About There Money And The People Who Cut Down Trees Which Are In Good Condition Do These Things Because They Dont Care About The Animals In The Rainforest Or Its Envioroment

Is a rainforest an attractive place for animals?

animals dont care what there habitats look like they only care about how its going to look after them ( feeding, shealter etc.)

Does Scrooge only care about money?

Yes, Scrooge seems to care about money and nothing else until he is visited by the three Spirits.

Can the landlord take money for animals?

only if you give it to him

Do people only care about money?

They might also care about family and friends and themselves and nature.

Why do rappers only care about money?

Because they want to be rich.

Are mammals the only animals to take care of their young?

No, birds do a pretty good job of taking care of their young!

Do you get money for entering in a clip to 'Animals do the funniest things'?

no only if you win

Why is popular?

Its not! Only for little kids wasting their money on stuffed animals.

Are Aye-Aye's nice animals?

Only if you know how to care for one. Remember they are scared of you.