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Ladybug Beetles are carnivores. They are often used by farmers to eat harmful insects that are infesting a crop.

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Q: Do the red species of ladybug eat plants?
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Related questions

Is there a difference between a red and brown ladybug?

The differences between a red and brown ladybug is the coloring. Although, the ladybugs are different species there isn't a big difference in the bug itself.

Can ladybugs eat oatmeal flakes?

sometimes you can....if you have a red ladybug is fine. but, overall, no you can not feed you pet ladybug oatmeal.

What is the difference between a red and orange ladybug?

There are different species of lady bugs. Some are red, some are orange.

What do red ladybirds eat?

Animals are the food sources of red ladybugs. The insects in question (Cycloneda polita, C. sanguinea) number among the world's carnivorous ladybug species. They prey upon such insect pests as aphids and specialize in keeping monarch butterfly-hosting milkweeds aphid-free.

Do you have information on ladybirds or not just tell me please?

There are about 5,000 different species of ladybugs in the world. These much loved critters are also known as lady beetles or ladybird beetles. They come in many different colors and patterns, but the most familiar in North America is the seven-spotted ladybug, with its shiny, red-and-black body.In many cultures, ladybugs are considered good luck. Most people like them because they are pretty, graceful, and harmless to humans. But farmers love them because they eat aphids and other plant-eating pests. One ladybug can eat up to 5,000 insects in its lifetime! In its lifetime, a female ladybug will lay as many as 2,000 eggs.There are more than 400 ladybug species in North America.A ladybug can retract its head into its body.The ladybug is the official insect of at least five U.S. states.FAST FACTSThe scientific name for the seven-spotted ladybug is Coccinella septempunctata.As ladybugs age, the color of their spots fades.A ladybug in flight beats its wings up to 85 times per second.Ladybugs breathe through openings on the sides of their bodies.In 1999, NASA sent ladybugs and aphids up in the space shuttle to test their movements in zero gravity.Though most ladybugs eat insects, a few species eat plants and are considered pests.

Do ladybug have poision?

yes! only the red ones with black polka dots.

What eats Red plants?

Red fox eat the red plant

How many types of ladybug are there?

There are over 5000 known species of "ladybug" beetles (family Coccinellidae).Not all of them have the typical red color, some being orange or yellow, with black spots, or entirely black.

Do red head woodpeckers eat any plants?

Red-headed woodpeckers eat both plants and animals. Different types of plants they eat are corn, acorns, nuts, seeds, and berries.

What does a red winged bird eat?

they eat seeds and plants

What is a Red and black beetle in garden?

A red and black beetle in the garden is commonly called a ladybug. There is also a Japanese beetle that comes around in the fall months to eat soybean crops. The ladybug is harmless, but the Japanese beetle can bite and leave welts on the skin.

How much do red kangaroos eat?

Red kangaroos eat only plants and other vegetation