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No, because ice does not contain ionic bonds. It contains polar covalent and hydrogen bonds. The hydrogen bonds force the molecules to arrange into a hexagonal crystal structure. The leaves spaces that cause the ice to expand, thus decreasing its density and allowing it to float in water.

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Q: Do the ionic bond between molecules in ice prevent the ice from sinking?
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Does ionic bonds form between molecules that have no charges?

no. it forms between molecules that have opposite charges.

Does ionic compounds make molecules or ions?

Ionic compounds typically form ions when dissolved in water or melted, as the strong electrostatic forces between the positively and negatively charged ions prevent them from forming discrete molecules. In the solid state, ionic compounds exist as a lattice of alternating cations and anions held together by ionic bonds.

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The anion Cl- form ionic bonds in molecules.

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An ionic bond is usually formed between a metal and a non metal.

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Covalent molecules generally have lower melting points than ionic compounds because the intermolecular forces between covalent molecules are weaker than the electrostatic forces between ions in ionic compounds. This is because covalent molecules are held together by dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interactions, and hydrogen bonding, which are weaker compared to the strong ionic bonds present in ionic compounds.

An ionic bond is the force holding molecules together?

An ionic bond is a type of chemical bond that forms between ions with opposite charges. It is not a force that holds molecules together, but rather a bond that forms between atoms. Ionic bonds are strong electrostatic attractions between cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions).

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Ionic bonds form between molecules with opposite charges - one molecule has a positive charge and the other has a negative charge. This attraction between opposite charges allows the molecules to bond together through the transfer of electrons.

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What is stronger ionic bond or attractions between molicules?

Ionic bonds are generally stronger than attractions between molecules. Ionic bonds involve the transfer of electrons between atoms and result in the formation of a strong electrostatic attraction between positively and negatively charged ions. In contrast, attractions between molecules, such as van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding, are usually weaker and involve interactions between different molecules rather than the formation of a chemical bond.