Typically, Dingos live alone, though they do have a mate in mating season, and help raise the pups etc.
Dingos are sometimes known to hunt in a pack to bring down large prey, like a kangaroo.
Dingoes can be found usually alone. But, most of the time they have a pack. They may not always be hanging around other pack members, but they do have a pack. They are mostly found together if hunting or if it's mating season.
yes its better for sex
No, orangutans do not live in groups they live with there family.
Sometimes they live in groups,usully they live as a family. Sometimes they live in groups,usully they live as a family.
Warthogs live in groups with their family's.
Dingo mostly live on farms or with people.
it is in the family 'canide'. along with other dogs and wolves hope this helped :D
Yes, in pairs or family groups.
They live in pods or groups and actually have a family structure.
The Australian Dingo does not live in Russia.
No, the dingo is an Australian animal, not African.
They don't they live in family groups.