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Q: Do some bugs lay eggs in peoples noses?
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How can you keep bugs away organically?

If you have a little land you could get some chickens they eat lots of bugs and you can have eggs to eat too.

What kind of spider lays eggs in a human?

Spiders dont actually lay eggs in humans. On the other hand some African bugs do.

What are some insects that come from eggs?

most bugs come from eggs. aphids on the other hand have the power to give birth to live young

Do all dogs have black noses and why?

No, not all dogs have black noses. Some dogs have pink noses, or even white. Some dog's noses are black to keep their nose from getting a sunburn.

How long does it take for a bugs eggs to develop?

It matters what kind of egg. Some take a couple days, some take 3 months.

How one organism depends on another organism besides food?

Some bugs use a caterpillars crysalist to hold its eggs.

What does a baboon eats?

Any fruit they can find! :D (Plus some juicy bugs)

Why do Filipinos have squishy noses?

Well how do you know ? Some Filipinos hasn't got squishy noses .. And how do you know if they have squishy noses ? have you ever felt one before !?

Do Jews really have big noses?

Not all Jews have big noses. It's just a stereotype that they do. Some have big noses, some have small. It all depends on genetics. People who aren't Jewsih may still have big noses. I don't think there is actual proof that Jews have on average bigger noses than non-Jews.

Why are you still getting bite by bed bugs after moving to another house?

because they were on you clothes and we you move some of them move and the female lay ed eggs

How do lightning bugs mate?

Lightning bugs find a mate by flashing specific patterns of light. When they pair up, they mate and then the male will fly away. The female, who usually cannot fly, will then lay the eggs in a tree or on some leaves.

Is it true that if dogs noses aren't wet they are not feeling good?

No, this is an old wives' tale. Some dogs naturally have dry noses, while others naturally have wet noses.