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If you believe that respiration is one of the characteristics of living things , the question is self answering.

Some things that may not be considered living and which also lack respiration are :

All virus

Some dormant eggs which have survived in anoxic environments for up to 300 y.

some "living" things do not depend on an Oxygen based chemical system, but on one which depends on Sulphur. Deep under the Mediterranean Sea, small animals have been discovered that live their entire lives without oxygen . Check out deep sea vents.

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Q: Do respiration take place all the time in living things?
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Do Respiration take place all the time in animals?

No,those things which are living in the world !!

Which process supplies this energy so that the cell cycle can take place in all living things?

Cellular respiration is the process that supplies energy for the cell cycle to take place in all living things. This process involves the conversion of glucose into ATP, the cell's main energy source.

In what cells do aerobic respiration take place?

In all living cells.

What cells does respiration take place in?

Cellular respiration takes place in all living cells , both prokaryotic cells and in eukaryotic cells.

Importance of aerobic respiration in living things?

Aerobic respiration is important in living organisms as it is the process that produces the majority of ATP, the energy currency of cells. It allows cells to efficiently break down glucose and other molecules to generate energy for various cellular activities. Without aerobic respiration, organisms would not be able to meet their energy requirements for growth, reproduction, and maintenance of cellular functions.

From what sugar molocule do many living things release energy?

The majority of living things create energy by internally burning up glucose ( C6H12O6), by combining it with oxygen. This process is called Respiration. Respiration is not breathing, breathing is just the method by which we take in the oxygen required for respiration.

Do rocks undergo respiration?

Rocks do not undergo respiration because they are not living organisms and do not require energy in the form of cellular respiration. Respiration is a metabolic process that occurs in living cells to produce energy. Rocks lack the necessary cellular structures and processes for respiration to take place.

What type of living organisms dose respiration take place in?

everything living respires (breathes), but humans do it more visibly than others

Does respiration occur in mitochondria or does photosynthesis?

Respiration take place in Mitochondria.Photosynthesis take place in chloroplast.

What can occurs in mitochondria photosynthesis or respiration?

Respiration take place in mitochondria.Photosynthesis take place in chloroplast.

Where does photosynthesis take place where the respiration cellular take place?

Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts. Cellular Respiration takes place in the mitochondria.

Which process in living things removes oxygen from the oxygen cycle?

The process of respiration in living things removes oxygen from the oxygen cycle. During respiration, organisms take in oxygen and use it to break down glucose to produce energy, releasing carbon dioxide as a byproduct.