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Yes and No. Leopards usually stay in the same place unless their is a need to move such as predators which is very few for them, or habitat is dying or other problem's. :)

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Q: Do leopards stay in the same place?
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Related questions

Do leopards stay in the same place or move?

Move. They have territory where they roam and hunt.

Do leopards eat coyotes?

They could, but they do not live in the same place.

How can people help leopards stay a live?

People can help leopards stay alive by donating to charities that go out to were leopards live and help prevent the poaching of them.

Do snow leopds migrate?

Snow leopards are mammals in the large cat family. The large cat family rarely migrate, unless they are following prey. Snow leopards, however, tend to stay in the same place for a long time and it usually can lead to their death due to extreme temperatures and not enough food. Many snow leopards are dying and becoming extinct because of their stationary ways.

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no they do not all stay in the same place because some birds live in water

Can leopards eat others leopards?

no because their are from the same family

How do leopards stay alive with senses?

mabey not.

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they stay in the same place

How DO Leopards Travel.?

They walk or run from place to place.

Were do black leopards live?

Black leopards live in the same habitat as regular leopards. Although more rare, black leopards coexist with their normal-colored counterparts.

Are Bornean Clouded Leopards the same size as regual or snow leopards?

Clouded leopards are large cats like a regular leopard