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Yes, in fact, they do. I'm not an expert on the topic, but I know garlic will mask the smell of blood (aside from vampires and all, it is a scientific fact) so if you ever find yourself being attacked by a swarm of deadly evil gnats, whip out the garlic bread!

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Q: Do gnats smell blood
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Related questions

Why do Gnats drink blood?

Gnats do not typically drink blood; they primarily feed on plant sap or decaying organic matter. There are some species of biting gnats that may feed on blood, but this behavior is not common among all gnats.

Are bees gnats?

No. Gnats are related to mosquitoes. Bees do not feed off human flesh or blood.

Which insects bite and draw blood?

Mosquitoes, gnats, ticks, fleas.

Does blood stink?

People say that you can't smell blood, you can`t smell blood, blood is just blood you can taste it you just can`t smell it, it`s impossible

Why do gnats turn completely black after being stuck to your skin for a few seconds?

Gnats turn black because of the temperature of our blood at such a high Fahrenheit, their bodies are too small to take the heat.

How do mosquitoes smell humans?

By blood smell

Do gnats live in human hair?

Yes! Gnats do bite. The bites usually itch a lot and can be painful! They bites are very aggravating! Some usually have a bit of blood at the top. When you are bitten, you may not know it but soon it'll start to swell up. If you have a bite, clean it because of the gnat's bacteria it carries. Then, buy like anti- itch cream to make it stop and the bites should clear up!

When was GNATS created?

GNATS was created in 1992.

Are gnats mammals?

no gnats don't even have vertebrate

How far can sharks smell blood up to?

sharks can actually smell blood from almost a mile away

What is a collective noun for gnats?

The collective noun for gnats are:a cloud of gnatsa horde of gnatsa swarm of gnats

Do gnats come out of bananas?

Those "gnats" are fruit flies. They do not come out of bananas, they hatch from the banana peel. The adult fruit flies lay their eggs on the banana plants, including the fruit.