No, reptiles do not have menstrual cycles or periods like mammals do. Instead, they have reproductive cycles that are different from those of mammals.
No, bearded dragons do not experience menstrual cycles or periods like humans do. They have a different reproductive system that does not involve menstruation.
Yes, lithium can potentially affect menstrual cycles in some individuals. It may cause irregular menstrual periods, changes in flow, or even amenorrhea (absence of periods). It is important to discuss any menstrual changes with a healthcare provider while taking lithium.
Female dogs do not have actual menstrual cycles. Instead, they have estrus cycles. These cycles consists of proestrus, estrus, diestrus and anestrus. The number of cycles varies by breed with most breeds cycling two times a year,
Humans and chimpanzees are the only animals that have "periods" or menstrual cycles. Other animals of the animal kingdom undergo Estrus, or heat periods (spikes in Estrogen output) during their Estrous cycle.
only people have a menstrual cycle but mammals have something called Estrous cycle and there is sometimes bloody discharge. fish are not mammals and they don't have it.
No, hamsters do not have menstrual periods like humans do. Hamsters have estrous cycles where they go into heat, during which they are receptive to mating.
No, papaya does not cause your periods to start early - just like green tea, it's one of these really bizarre myths that circulate around online. Your period starts when it is due to start according to your menstrual cycles, you can't speed-up your cycles or skip phases of your cycles to start your periods early. You can induce your periods if they are due or late, but nothing you eat will make your periods start early.
No, butterflies do not have menstrual cycles so that means they don't have periods. Only primates (this includes humans), jumping shrews, and quite a few species of bats have menstrual cycles. There is another type of cycle called an estrous cycle that most other female mammals have, but butterflies are not mammals.
Yes, it's normal to have periods after 45 days. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different and there's no problem if your cycle is longer than average. It's also normal for menstrual cycles lengths to vary over time, so your cycles may not always be 45 days long.
Menstrual cycles can vary in length due to fluctuations in hormone levels, stress, diet, exercise, or underlying health conditions. Changes in cycle length can cause periods to start earlier or later each month. If you are concerned about your menstrual cycle pattern, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation.
No, menstruation is particular to mammalsFish do not have menstrual cycles, but they have breeding cycles and they lay externally fertilized eggs.