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No, red-eared sliders cannot lay eggs without a male. They require fertilization from a male turtle in order to reproduce and lay viable eggs.

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Q: Do red-eared sliders lay eggs without a male?
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Do the male red-eared slider turtles lay eggs?

No, only female red eared sliders lay eggs.

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No need to care for it. There are already enough red eared sliders in the world.

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No. Without a male they cannot produce eggs.

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No, eggs cannot be fertilized without the contribution of a male.

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It is likely the eggs are "spermed" (for lack of a better term) after they are layed. **This happens in the wild as well. The female does not need a male to lay eggs, but the eggs need a male to fertilize the eggs. The eggs will just stay eggs in the tank without a male to fertilize them. The female may also eat the eggs if left in there with her.

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8 inches for males 13 inches for females I would suggest the male

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A male stick insect will not lay eggs. However, a female stick insect is parthenogenetically, and can lay eggs without mating with a male.

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All female creatures develop eggs with or without a male. The male is only needed to do the fertilizing. So the answer is no.

Does an Indian ringneck female bird lay eggs without a male?

No, the female cannot lay eggs without a male, unless they have mated before hand and the female is willing to continue laying the eggs.