No, male cats do not meow when they are in heat. Only female cats exhibit vocal behavior when they are in heat.
Male cats do not go into heat like female cats do. Male cats may meow more when they are seeking attention or are in distress, but it is not related to being in heat.
No. Cats will vocalize around other cats, and a mother cat will meow to call her kittens.
a cats voice
Birman cats do not meow a lot; in fact, they are known for being docile and quiet.
Yes, all kittens meow even cats meow.
by their mouth
what you do is you say ow not meow in a cat pitch.
meow. meow.
taking too much meow meow
Yes, some cats can be mute and may not meow or make vocal sounds, while others have the ability to meow or make vocal sounds.
Yes, feral cats can meow. Meowing is a common form of communication for cats, both domestic and feral, to express their needs and emotions.