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Yes, female cats typically have softer fur compared to male cats.

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Q: Do female cats have softer fur compared to male cats?
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What is the difference between a female Burmese an male Burmese?

Female Burmese cats tend to be smaller and lighter in weight compared to male Burmese cats. Males typically have larger faces and overall size. Additionally, males may be more vocal compared to females.

Do Female cats shed more then male cats?

yes female cats shed more then male cats

How can I determine the gender of a baby cat?

To determine the gender of a baby cat, you can look at the distance between the anus and the genital opening. In male cats, this distance is greater than in female cats. Additionally, male cats have a more pronounced genital opening compared to female cats.

What are male and female cats called?

Male cats are called toms or tomcats, while female cats are called queens.

Are there such things as boy cats?

As in cats that are male? Yes, cats can be male or female.

Do you have to spay the male and female cat as well?

Male cats are neutered and female cats are spayed.

What the are male and female cats called?

Male: Tom Female: Queen

Do you have to spay the male and female cat?

Female cats get spayed. Male cats get neutered. It's the smart thing to do.

Do neutered male cats get along with spayed female cats?

Yes, neutered male cats generally get along well with spayed female cats. Neutering reduces aggressive behavior and territorial instincts in male cats, making them more likely to peacefully coexist with female cats.

What are big female cats called?

Female cats are called a Queen, male cats are called a Tom.

Are male cats attractive to female cats?

only if there straight

What is the name given to female cats?

the female is a Queen and the male a Tom