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No, dog teeth do not fall out and regrow like human teeth. Dogs have two sets of teeth in their lifetime: baby teeth, which fall out and are replaced by permanent adult teeth.

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Q: Do dog teeth fall out and regrow like human teeth do?
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Does a dog bottom teeth fall out?

Yes, but only their puppy teeth, just like a human child looses their teeth. An adult dog shouldn't be loosing any of their teeth.

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No, once an elephant's tusks have been removed or broken, they cannot regrow them. Tusks are elongated incisor teeth composed of dentin and grow throughout an elephant's life similar to human teeth.

When do your eye teeth fall out?

When they feel like it O.o

When do pouppy teeth fall out?

Puppies have baby teeth like humans. As they grow they need larger teeth so he/she will grow permanent teeth soon.

Why baby teeth are also called deciduous teeth?

Baby teeth are temporary primary teeth. They will be replaced later by adult teeth.

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Not like human teeth, but they do have serated "teeth" on their wing parts that they rub together to make a loud trilling sound.

Do orangutans have teeth when they are born?

No, baby orangutans do not have teeth when they are born. Much like human children, they first grow baby teeth and later adult teeth.

Is there any fish that has a human head?

Technically, no fish have the teeth of a human O.o that is why ther call humann fish but sesorusly no fish have teeth like humans since we have teeth for eat plants and animals and i dont think there are any onnavoir fish and to top it all no animals have teeth like our since we delvoped are teeth became weak like we need to brush them now or they will fall out every other animal is born with teeth to last how they should have have basicly unevolved in ways that like

Will human teeth reproduce?

No, unfortunately we are not like sharks, who continue to grow nice new teeth throughout their lives. If a tooth falls out of our mouths, we will have a gap there permanently unless we get a fake tooth. The only time a tooth falls out and gets replaced by a new tooth, is when our baby teeth begin to fall out during childhood.

What do slugs teeth look like?

yes they do not have teeth but they don't bite human flesh, they only eat plants

What are cats teeth made out of?

The same thing that human fingernails and animal hooves are made of, a protein called keratin.

Do dogs teeth come out?

Yes. Dogs teeth do fall out, just like humans. They begin to lose their 28 baby teeth within the first six and seven months.