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Q: Did pioneers use animals skin for their homes?
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Related questions

What is some of the thing that Indians use to make there homes?

they use the skin of animals

What building material did many early pioneers in the plains state use to build their homes?


What animals steal other animals homes?

animals that use other animals vacant homes are called crustaceans.

What type of homes did the pioneers built?

The pioneers made Sod Homes. Use a reliable source next time, because some things on here are full of crap.

What did winnebago Indians use to build their homes?

They used skin to build their homes

How animals use their skin for identify food?

Animals use their skin to identify food through the sense of touch. The skin is also use for other things like keeping the animals warm.

What part of sand do animals use to make homes?

the magnetic crustaceanal part of the sand is the bit that animals use to make homes namely sand bugs and insects

What did pioneers use to cut down trees?

To make room for farms and towns; to build homes, buildings, furniture, etc; and to sell lumber.

What do aboriginals use the animals skin for?

they use it for clothes and blankets

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How do you use feline in a sentence?

The generations of feline animals have increased in the averagae homes.

What animals use trees as their homes?

Monkeys and birds that is a simple question