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The aboriginal way of life did not include democracy in the sense that white man's society understands it. Aboriginal life was very patriarchal, with no room for democratic vote regarding the chiefs and elders of the tribes.

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Q: Did Aboriginal people have democracy before the white settlement?
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What sources of evidence do you have to show how Aboriginal people lived prior to white settlement?

The main source is rock and cave paintings, which depict certain aspects of aboriginal life. Stories handed down through the generations also provide a major picture of aboriginal life prior to European settlement. Other evidence includes middens (aboriginal "rubbish dumps") and evidence of bark being carved out of huge trees for canoes, etc.

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The Australian aboriginal people were the first to settle in Australia. Humans originated in Africa and from there migrated to other areas, which was a slow process. South America, the Pacific Islands and Australia were settled quite recently.

Do people in Australia speak any Native languages?

Yes. There is still a small number of indigenous people who know some of the old languages, but the majority of aboriginal dialects have disappeared. Prior to European settlement of Australia, there were 250 aboriginal languages spoken in Australia. Today, there are 145 aboriginal languages spoken in Australia, and of these 110 are listed as "critically endangered".

How many years did it take for aboriginals get the right to vote?

In Canada, Aboriginal people gained the right to vote without losing their status in 1960. Before then, if an Aboriginal person wanted to vote, they would have to forfeit their status as an Aboriginal.