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A physical stimulus is transformed into a neural stimulus when the sensation is received by the sensory nerves. For example, the pain of right cross punch is felt when the nerves at the impact site fire.

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Q: Changing physical stimulus to neural stimulus?
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The process of changing physical stimulus to neural stimulus is called what?

The process of changing physical stimulus to neural stimulus is called transduction. This process involves converting sensory information from the environment into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain.

What are the categorys of endocrine gland stimulus?

hormonal, humeral, and neural.

Describe the four components involved in the perception of a sensation?

The four components involved in the perception of a sensation are stimulus, sensory receptors, neural processing, and perception. Stimulus is the physical energy that triggers a response in sensory receptors. Sensory receptors detect the stimulus and convert it to neural signals. Neural processing occurs when these signals are transmitted to the brain and interpreted. Perception is the conscious awareness and interpretation of the sensation.

What is the relationship between a physical stimulus and the kinds of sensory responses that result from it?

There are five main senses that people experience: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Each sense is associated with different physical stimuli. For example, the sense of sight is associated with light waves, the sense of smell is associated with volatile molecules, the sense of taste is associated with dissolved molecules, the sense of touch is associated with pressure or temperature changes, and the sense of hearing is associated with sound waves. The relationship between a physical stimulus and the resulting sensory response is that the physical stimulus is converted into a neural signal by the sense organ, and then this neural signal is interpreted by the brain to produce the sensory response. The specific response depends on which sense is involved and what the physical stimulus is.

What is the organisms actions as a result of sensory neural and hormonal factors in response to changes in the external or internal conditions?


What is the initial experience of a stimulus?

The initial experience of a stimulus involves the detection of the stimulus by sensory receptors in the body, such as in the eyes, ears, or skin. This triggers a neural response that sends signals to the brain for processing and interpretation, leading to the awareness and perception of the stimulus.

Individual muscle fibers can contract more or less forcefully depending on the strength of the neural stimulus?

Yes, they can.

What is a neural transmission that bypasses the brain?

A reflex arc is a neural transmission that bypasses the brain and instead travels directly to the spinal cord for a rapid response to a stimulus.

What is a physical or chemical change in an organism's environment to which it responds?

A physical or chemical change in an organism's environment that triggers a response is referred to as a stimulus. This stimulus can cause the organism to react in a way that helps it adapt to the changed conditions, such as by moving to a different location, changing its behavior, or adjusting its metabolic processes. For example, plants may respond to changes in light levels by altering their growth patterns.

What is the organism's actions as a result of sensory neural and hormonal factors in response to changes in external or internal conditions?


What is the physical stimulus for vision?

light waves

Out of the four types of neural circuits diverging converging reverberating and parallel after-discharge which is likely to fire the longest after a stimulus ceases?
