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If your bulldog has an open cut, then peroxide and Neosporin will do the trick.

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Q: Can you put Neosporin bulldogs on a deep cut?
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What cream can you put on a hamster when it's cut?

Neosporin is a good one to use. Make sure it is not so deep that it may need sutures. Keep it clean and the Neosporin on it twice daily

Name something you CAN put on a cut?

Neosporin... a bandaid... isoproypol.

Can you put neosporin on stitches?

Yes. If its for a cut or something under it.

How do you care an injury?

if it is a cut or a bruse, you clean it and then put a bandige on it. if you are burned put neosporin and a bandige on it.

What do you do to a cut?

Wash it with warm soap and water, then put some neosporin on it. Also, put a bandage on it until it stops bleeding.

What is a way to heal a cut really fast?

Put Peroxide ona band-aid and or Neosporin and simply just put it on.

What do you do when you cut your toe open on a sprinkler?

1st you want to put peroxide on the wound 2nd put Neosporin and a bandied and woo-la fixed

How do you heal a paper cut?

As a teacher I get paper cuts all the time and have learned that you put a little Neosporin on it and a bandage. Sometimes the first instinct is to put it in your finger in your mouth. Don't do it. It won't help.

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How are french fries made?

Cut a potato into strips, then deep fry it. OR peel a potato Then put oil in an pan put the potato strips in there and wait till they fry

Can you put neosporin on your birds sores?

Yes. The cream, NOT the ointment.

How do you clean a cut on a chickens leg?

Chickens heal very well, so it will quite possibly heal on its own. I'd put a little Neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment on the wound, though.