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Theoretically, well, not entirely no, as there was a case on some farm in the War II period in the US. It was hushed up but a relative of mine did see a photo in a technical manual on abnormal Biology ( a fascinating subject!) She was not permitted to make copies- it was (Eyes Only) the creature was about the size of a large dog or possibly sheep or Goat, maybe a very immature equine animal ( Horse family) it looke to weigh about l00 lbs at max and had a humanoid head and face. A few years ago I saw a photo of something similar in a gossip magazine. again same parameters. This was the result of sick tampering with nature by some disturbed farm hand. There is even a slang term for Zoophilia- called Mourning Lukes. It is a sick subject, but well , something did come out of it -alive! but- was quickly put down by the authorities. and the remains cremated.

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13y ago

No. Ethical considerations preclude definitive research on the subject, but it's safe to say that human DNA has become so different from that of other animals that interbreeding would likely be impossible. Groups of organisms tend to drift apart genetically when they get separated by geographical barriers-one might leave to find new food sources, or an earthquake could force them apart. When the two groups come back into contact with each other many, many years later, they may each have evolved to the point where they can no longer mate.

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13y ago

No. Ethical considerations preclude definitive research on the subject, but it's safe to say that human DNA has become so different from that of other animals that interbreeding would likely be impossible. Groups of organisms tend to drift apart genetically when they get separated by geographical barriers-one might leave to find new food sources, or an earthquake could force them apart. When the two groups come back into contact with each other many, many years later, they may each have evolved to the point where they can no longer mate.

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13y ago

Yes you can. In fact, there were studies proven that if a Bear's sperm enters a females Uterus it will fertilize the egg and She will have half human- half bear children.

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Q: Can humans reproduce with other species?
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