A dog stands up with four legs and two legs
two legs
It's just how they stand. Like us, for example. We stand on two legs, and they are probably saying "Why do humans stand on two legs?" It's just like asking "Why do dogs stand on four legs?"Please recommend me!
yes the chupacabra stands on two legs at their mature age.
Yes they can
No wolves stand on two legs to be faster and hunt prey that is part of life cycle they come with that skill and i see that buger in your nose
a lycann is a wolf sort of but they stand on two legs
Maybe, it could probably stand on its to legs only if it built up its muscle. There was a dog who could stand on its two hind legs, so maybe a panda could too.
A blind man in a wheelchair
Presumably, it is using its other six legs to stand.
Hadrosaurs and Iguanodonts are both known to have walked on four legs. However, they could stand, walk, or run on two legs when it was useful.