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Q: Can animals go to jail
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Can you go to jail in New Zealand for abusing animals?

Yes you can go to jail for abusing animals in New Zealand because I got put in jail for abusing my animals.

What happens after animals are abused?

animals get the treat ments they need and the abusers go to jail

What state abuses the most animals and why?

Colorado because their fine is $500,000 and if you abuse the animals you have to go to jail for 6 years.

Should people who mistreat animals go to jail or have larger fines?

Yes, this is true and I think you are a genius!

What happens to animals who are abused?

The animals become hurt & weak or suffer death.. It's wrong & people who do it will go to jail.. They should know better.

What are the consequenses for animal fights?

Confiscation of animals. Jail for animal abuse. Depends on how much they are abused, the more they are abused the most likely you might have to go to jail. Confescation of animals, if there is a chance they are still friendly enough to be given to a kind owner.

What do you go to jail for safekeeping for?

he didn't go to jail

Did Aventura go to jail?

Did aventura go to jail?

How do you set animals free from a zoo?

I guess you break into the zoo, unlock the cages, wait for the animals to escape and then go to jail. Or you can buy an animal from the zoo and then let it out into the wild.

Can someone go to jail for selling a cat?

no they can not only if it is there cat they wont go to jail if it is not there cat they will go to jail

What happens to you if you get caught doing animal cruelty?

You can be arrested, have to go to court. You may be fined or have to do jail time or both.

What did Dave Pelzer's mom to go jail for?

She did not go to jail.