Yes, you can pet stray cats, but it is important to approach them cautiously. Before attempting to pet a stray cat, make sure to observe their body language for signs of fear or aggression. Approach slowly and avoid making sudden movements. It is also a good idea to offer the cat some food to gain their trust. Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling stray cats to prevent the spread of any potential diseases.
Stray Cats was created in 1980.
stray cats were stray cats...but since they were afraid of dogs...I think that you must have one
The cast of Stray Cats Rock Tokyo - 1990 includes: The Stray Cats as Themselves
The cast of Stray Cats Rock Detroit - 1992 includes: The Stray Cats as Themselves
The cast of Stray Cats Rock Paris - 1991 includes: The Stray Cats as Themselves
Stray cats are a problem because they kill song birds.
The Stray Cats!
"Stray Cat Strut" was sung by none other than the Stray Cats. It was on their debut album titled Stray Cats, which was released in 1981.
the amount of stray cats in Europe is approx. 250,000
Cats, even stray cats, can and usually will eat plain (unseasoned) chicken, cooked or raw. If you have no cat food to give to the stray, then chicken is a good substitute.
Soothing Music for Stray Cats was created on 2005-05-09.
Rant N' Rave with the Stray Cats was created in 1983.