When you are unwell you act the opposite of when your well. For instance; if when you're well your average day consists of listening to music, going to the park and hanging out with friends. When you are unwell you don't turn the radio on, you don't go outside and you don't feel like hanging out with friends. It is important to know when you are well. If you should feel yourself going into unwell you can begin taking steps to stop the unwell changes, or at least make them minimal. Do a search on W.R.A.P. It can explain in detail well and not well.
Erythromycin does not react badly with alcohol so it should be 'safe' to have a couple of beers.Erythromycin is an antibiotic used to treat infections, and the infection itself may make you feel unwell at the races.
Teeth grinding and teeth abscesses is a very common cause of migraines. The unwell feeling is because you are not sleeping properly and also the muscles in your jaw are all tense. Teeth grinding is called bruxism and a dentist can make you a mouth shield (similar to the one a footballer wears) which reduces the grinding and will make you feel better. He can also treat the abscess which is an infection so will definitely make you feel unwell.
Having a normal blood sugar level can definitely affect how you feel overall. If it is in an abnormal range it can cause you to feel groggy or just overall unwell.
Alcohol free mouthwash is better for children as it doesn't make them feel unwell but an adult is used to that but alcohol free is the way to go!
The Rev Awdry was busy looking after his young son Christopher when he was unwell with measles and was trying to make him feel better and came up with the story of Gordon, Henry and Edward.
They make you feel better, because they get rid of the acid in your stomach that you don't need and this would be neutralizing the acid in your stomach to make you feel better. When the antacid tablet goes into your stomach if fights the acid and gets rid of it. Gaviscon is a type of antacid tablet.
wild mouse, yes pet mouse, no unless you are allergic
pollution that can make us medically unwell is an effect of diffusion
You should see an almost immediate improvement once the worms are eliminated. However, your cat will take a long time to recover fully, if she ever does. Worms weaken a cat's entire system, and complete recovery can take a lot of time because of the foreign matter the worms leave behind them.
Yes you can, but it may be a little different to what you are used to. Your man will want to see you in sexy underware play around a little more and flirt. Pretend he is unwell and make him feel better ;).
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