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No, garden snails cannot breathe underwater as they require air to breathe. They have lungs and need to surface to breathe air.

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Q: Can garden snails breathe underwater
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How do snails breathe underwater?

Snails have gils.

Can land snails breathe underwater, and if so, how do they do it?

No, land snails cannot breathe underwater. They have lungs and need air to breathe. If they are submerged in water for too long, they will drown.

Can snails breathe underwater, or do they require air to survive?

Snails cannot breathe underwater. They need air to survive as they have lungs or gills to take in oxygen from the air.

Can snails survive in water?

Yes, snails can survive in water because they have gills that allow them to breathe underwater.

Can snails breath underwater?

Yes. Snails have gills, which makes them able to breathe underwater.

How do snail swim?

There are several species of water snails that have adapted to living entirely in water. They don't swim, but slither over the underwater stones and plants, rasping at the algae. Land snails and garden slugs will drown if placed underwater. Gardeners sometimes trap garden snails by putting out dishes of beer which attracts the snails - and the snails will drown in the beer.

How long can snails hold their breath underwater?

Squids doesn't have lungs, they have a structure that does the same thing as the gills do for fish, take up oxygen from the water. W/o lungs, the idea of holding their breath becomes a bit strange. The closest comparison - how long a squid can go w/o new water over its gills - I have no idea.

Can garden snails live in water, and if so, for how long can they survive underwater?

Garden snails can survive in water for a short period of time, usually up to 30 minutes. However, they are not adapted to living underwater for extended periods and may drown if submerged for too long.

Can snails live underwater and if so, for how long?

Yes, some snails can live underwater for extended periods of time, as they have adapted to breathe through their skin or gills. The exact length of time a snail can survive underwater varies depending on the species and environmental conditions.

Can land snails live underwater?

snails can breathe for 6 secs under water some snails 8 but the common garden snail can breathe for 9 if its fully grown i personally think that land snails should be kept on land because if you cant swim you wont want a giant dunking you under would you:(

How do whelks breathe underwater?

Unlike land snails and other sea snails such as periwinkles they have a siphon or tube running out from the part of the body known as the mantle cavity to draw in water for breathing.

How to breathe underwater in Minecraft?

you can't breathe underwater