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Yes, fish can go blind from exposure to excessive light. Just like humans, fish have sensitive eyes that can be damaged by too much light.

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Q: Can fish go blind from exposure to light?
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Do fish put in caves go blind?

it won't be blind immediately. but if the fish or the coming generations are left for a long period and do not seen the light for many years, they can go blind. this is called evolution.

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Why do peLicans go blind?

from high speed dives into the ocean for fish

Does your fish tank need a light?

Well, no but they are a lot better with them. For your fish, not for show, if you have gold fish, if you don't put a light in they will go silver. This is because of the lack of light.

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I believe not because farmers usually lock chickens in the farm with no light and they dont go blind ...

How can light hurt us?

intense light can make you go blind. The light may cause extreme heat and vaporize people.

Is staring at a light bad for your eyes?

yes if you stare to long u can go blind

Can a frog go blind in high temperatures?

No a frog cannot go blind in high temperatures because frogs are different from amphibians because they do not have a tail. Frogs typically have tiny eyes and are nearly blind, although they can tell light from dark.

Do fish go to the light?

Some kinds of fish do. That's why fishermen can sometimes lure fish to the hook by shining a light into the water. This is generally considered bad form, like cheating.

Is it better to buy a fish tank with a halogen light or a LED light?

that depends what you want to do with the tank if you want a planted tank then dont go with a LED light inless the plants are very hardy and dont require a lot of light. if its just for fish go with the LED light. i have a LED light on my fish tank and my fish are doing great. i dont have any plants but i might get some hardy, low light ones. LED also saves energy

How can you go instantly blind?

everything can go blind in a waycan you go blind if you stay in the darkness?yes

Why should a fish tank be put in a cold shady place?

so they do not get too hot and die or look at the sun and go blind.