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No, betta fish should not eat cucumbers as part of their diet. Their diet should primarily consist of high-quality betta fish pellets or flakes specifically formulated for their nutritional needs.

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Q: Can betta fish eat cucumbers as part of their diet?
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Can betta fish eat flakes as part of their diet?

Yes, betta fish can eat flakes as part of their diet, but it is important to ensure that the flakes are specifically formulated for betta fish and provide a balanced nutrition. It is also recommended to supplement their diet with other foods such as live or frozen foods for optimal health.

Can betta fish eat cucumber as part of their diet?

Yes, betta fish can eat cucumber as part of their diet. It is a good source of fiber and nutrients for them. However, it should be given in small, bite-sized pieces to prevent overfeeding and potential digestive issues.

Can fish eat cucumber as part of their diet?

Yes, fish can eat cucumber as part of their diet. Cucumbers are a healthy and nutritious option for many types of fish, providing them with essential vitamins and minerals. It is important to ensure that the cucumber is cut into small, bite-sized pieces to make it easier for the fish to consume.

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They can eat them, but it should NOT be a main part of their diet-- cucumbers are NOT very nutritious!

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Can fish become part of an unbalanced diet?

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Do fish eat other dead fish as part of their diet?

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