Yes, tiger barbs and tetras can coexist in the same aquarium, but it is important to provide enough space and hiding spots to prevent aggression from the tiger barbs.
Tetras and bettas should not be kept together in the same aquarium. Bettas are aggressive and may attack tetras, which are peaceful fish. It is best to keep them in separate tanks to ensure their well-being.
if its a fantail gup. yea tetras and gups go together
Bettas and tetras can typically live together in the same tank, but it's important to monitor their behavior and tank conditions to ensure they are compatible. Bettas can be aggressive towards other fish, so providing plenty of hiding spots and space can help reduce potential conflicts.
No, tetras of the same type tend to school together, although some tetras are know to be a bit more aggressive than others.
Bettas may not live peacefully with neon tetras in the same tank because bettas are aggressive and may attack the smaller, more colorful tetras. It is recommended to keep them in separate tanks to avoid any conflicts.
Neon tetras and bettas should not be kept together in the same aquarium. Bettas are aggressive fish that may attack and harm the smaller and more peaceful neon tetras. It is best to keep them in separate tanks to ensure the well-being of both species.
Tiger barbs, many cichlids, some gouramis, sharks, and eels can all be put together in the same tank as long as the is big enough to hold them all.
Cardinal Tetras are from the very tropical, acid waters of the Amazonian Rainforest. Almost any small fish species that comes either from the same area or places that have similar water conditions should be OK with them. The species that come to mind are most Tetras, Danios, Barbs, Rasboras, Corydoras, and most of the Dwarf Amazonian Cichlids like Rams etc.
Yes, different species of tetras can school together in the same aquarium as long as they are similar in size and temperament. It is important to provide enough space and hiding spots for each species to reduce aggression and stress.
It depends on what kind of fish is nipping his fins. If it's another angelfish that is larger than him, i would move him to another tank, and feed him extra, until they are the same size. i breed angelfish and have had to do this several times. if it's some other fish, such as tetras or tiger barbs, the best thing you can do is move one or the other. Angel fish can't really be kept with tetras or barbs, because the barbs think that the angelfish's fins look tasty. the angelfish will be much happier without the offending fish.
Tinfoil barbs are active schoolers, so 5 or more tin foil barbs will be happiest. So the best fish to keep with tin foils are other tin foils, wich already requires a large tank. Many people have sucessfully kept Oscars with them. Other large fish may also be acceptable. Do some research for others.