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Yes, a snap mouse trap can hurt a cat if it accidentally triggers the trap.

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Q: Can a snap mouse trap hurt a cat if it accidentally triggers the trap?
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yes they will be notified

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Switching Pokemon doesn't work. Simply use a potion, or snap into the mic. If done right, your Pokemon will either attack and not hurt itself, or snap out.

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Yes, it is similar to a thick rubber band snap to the neck.

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snap its neck it depends on how bad it is hurt before you have to have it put down

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They can be, but velcro or snap closures are preferred because bungees can snap and hurt someone in a confined space, like the space station or shuttle.

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As much as a thick rubber band snap on the back of your neck, except wherever you get hit.

How do you catch a white mouse?

The same way you would catch any other mouse. You can use a standard snap trap, if you want it dead. If you're looking to capture it alive, use a sticky glue trap. Place the trap somewhere you have seen the mouse, a high traffic area if possible. Use vegetable oil to safely remove the mouse after it is caught.

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Can you snap your skateboard trucks?

Yeah it happened to me,mine didn't like snap in half or anything but they broke where they fell off luckily I was only tyring to jump so I didn't get hurt but I never did learn how you actually jump. Lol

What is mouse trapping?

Mouse trapping refers to the act of setting up traps to catch and eliminate mice that are invading a home or premises. There are various types of mouse traps available, such as snap traps, glue traps, and live traps, which are all designed to capture mice and prevent them from causing damage or spreading disease. It is important to properly set up and maintain traps to effectively control mouse infestations.