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Yes, a nursing cat can be spayed, but it is generally recommended to wait until the kittens are weaned to reduce the risk of complications.

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Q: Can a nursing cat be spayed?
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Can a nursing cat get spayed?

Yes, a nursing cat can be spayed, but it is generally recommended to wait until the kittens are weaned to reduce the risk of complications.

Can a cat nurse after being spayed?

No, a cat cannot nurse after being spayed because spaying involves the removal of the reproductive organs, including the mammary glands that produce milk for nursing.

Can a cat still nurse after being spayed?

No, a cat cannot nurse after being spayed because spaying involves the removal of the reproductive organs, including the mammary glands that produce milk for nursing.

Can a cat be spayed while nursing her kittens?

No, it is not recommended to spay a cat while she is nursing her kittens. It is best to wait until the kittens are weaned before spaying the mother cat to ensure her health and the health of the kittens.

What do you call a cat that can't have babies?

I do not think there is a special term for it. If the cat is spayed, then the cat will often be described as "a spayed cat".

Can nursing cats be spayed?

Yes, nursing cats can be spayed, but it is generally recommended to wait until the kittens are weaned to reduce the risk of complications.

If a cat gets spayed will it stop feeding its kittens?

No, spaying a cat will not stop her from feeding her kittens. After a spay surgery, a cat may still lactate for a short period, but she will naturally stop producing milk once she is no longer nursing her kittens.

What can you give the cat for not to get pragnet?

You can get your cat spayed

How old does your cat have to be to be spayed?

your cat has to be 1 and up

Your cat has just had kittens and she keeps getting pregnant over and over again If o get her done will it dry up her milk?

Her milk will probably dry up if you get her spayed. Also most vets won't spay a nursing cat, it's just a standard procedure. My advice would be to just keep her inside until she has finished nursing this litter, then get her spayed. This will allow her body to fully recover from the strain of bearing kits.

How can I determine if a female cat has been spayed?

To determine if a female cat has been spayed, you can look for a small scar on her abdomen where the surgery was performed. Additionally, a spayed cat will not go into heat or exhibit behaviors like yowling or spraying. Consulting a veterinarian for a physical examination can also confirm if a cat has been spayed.

Why is your cat in heat constantly?

Because she has not been spayed or impregnated. You need to have her spayed.