You first have to get two boy and a girl then you get a 10gallon tank and a bed toy and toys at night put a blanket on the cage and leave the room do this for ab a week soon you'll have a baby hamster known bye experience
No, they will chew through it. Get a 10 gallon tank or a wire cage.
I have a 10gallon with a common and a shubunkin goldfish. They are both around 2.5 inches. I am soon upgrading to a 30 gallon so there will be enough room when they get bigger.
Well for the safety of your hermit crabs i would use the basic rule of 1gallon of tank space per hermit crab..... so you could get any size you want.... but lets say you had a 10gallon tank so you could have 10 hermit crabs in the same tank.
Yes, but you'll have to clean it more often. Wire cages are better because they are well ventilated.
No. You could put an aquarium (a fish tank) inside it but that'd be fairly pointless.
Of course! Just leave the top open or buy a screened tank cover. If you have a Syrian hamster, try to find a nice tall tank, because mine escaped by standing on its wheel!
no. hermet crabs neeed water to live therefore it will not survive in a hamster cage.
A 10 gallon tank is too small for a hamster as they need more space to move around, explore, and exercise. A hamster needs at least a 20-gallon tank or a larger enclosure to thrive and stay healthy.
No they can't.
sometimes... :)
A hamster is a mammal because it gives birth to live young and suckles them.