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Yes, cats have the ability to remember their owners even after a year of being apart. They can recognize familiar scents, sounds, and visual cues associated with their owners.

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Q: Can a cat remember you after a year of being apart?
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Do cats remember being abandoned?

Cats may remember being abandoned, as they have good long-term memories. However, the extent to which they remember and how it affects them can vary from cat to cat.

How old is the cat?

It depends what cat you're talking about, if it's your cat and you don't know how old he/she is remember what year your cat was born in and count up to the year now.

Will your cat remember the area you moved from a year ago?

It is quite possible he/she does.

Does my cat remember being a stray?

Cats may remember being a stray, but their memory of that time can vary. Some cats may exhibit behaviors that suggest they remember their past as a stray, while others may not show any signs of remembering. It ultimately depends on the individual cat and their experiences.

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The easiest way to tell apart a ragdoll and Birman cat is through the markings. A birman cat has distinct markings.

How do cats know where they use to live?

they have a very good memory and if the cat had a bad owner that abused the cat the cat would remember also if the cat had a really nice owner the cat would remember but lets say the cat had an owner that worked full time......and the cat never saw the owner then it would not remember.

Why does your cat have no stitches after being neutered?

The reason for the stiches is so the opening (cut) can heal quickly. Your cat has not had stiches? Talk to your vet and compare your answers - but remember to play fair of what you say!

What was the real name of the wrestler the Cat in Things Fall Apart?

He was called Amalinze, 'the Cat'.

Does a mother cat remember her kittens?

Yes, a mother cat can remember her kittens. Cats have strong maternal instincts and can recognize and remember their offspring even after they have been separated.

Can a mother cat and her kitten recognize each other after being separated for almost a year?


Why does an indoor male neutered 13 year old cat like to lick chemicals such as Lysol and other household cleaners?

Most likely out of curiosity. Just remember, curiosity killed the cat. ~Austin

Will your spotted python eat your cat?

Yes. Keep them apart.