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Yes, a betta fish can typically live harmoniously with a snail in the same tank, as long as the tank is large enough and there are plenty of hiding spots for both creatures. It's important to monitor their behavior and make sure they are not showing signs of aggression towards each other.

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Q: Can a betta fish live harmoniously with a snail in the same tank?
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Can a snail live peacefully with a betta fish?

No, a snail cannot live peacefully with a betta fish as the betta fish may see the snail as food and attack it. It is not recommended to keep them together in the same tank.

Can a snail live with a betta fish?

No, it is not recommended to house a snail with a betta fish as bettas are known to be aggressive and may harm the snail.

Can betta fish live harmoniously with snails in the same tank?

Yes, betta fish can generally live harmoniously with snails in the same tank. Snails can help clean the tank by eating algae and leftover food, but it's important to monitor the tank conditions and ensure that the betta fish is not aggressive towards the snails.

We had a betta fish with a snail and the betta died We are going to leave for vacation and didn't know if a snail can live in a fish tank without a fish for a week or two?

Snail do not need company so the death of the fish will not affect it in any way other than to leave more oxygen available for the snail. It will be perfectly OK for several weeks provided the water does not go bad.

How do you betta fish live?

Sorry, type in: how do betta fish live?

What is the best snail that can live with a betta?

the snail the is best for your fish tank is the slowest snail that you can find in the store...the best snail i have had is the cuadrocnam snail so when you go to the store you say "I want is Cuadrocnam snail please!"

Can tropical fish live with betta fish?

Yes they would be fine (if they are plants that are ment to live underwater) for the betta splenden aka Siamese fighter fish (assuming that is the betta you are refering to) as it is a tropical fish

Do betta fish live in Connecticut?

sure!i bet lots of peeps there have betta fish!

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