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Q: Breakdown of dead organisms into the substances from which they were made?
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Is a virus an example of matter?

Yes. Viruses are made of the same substances that living organisms are.

Are sedimentary rocks made up of?

Sediment, compressed dead solid organisms.

What are sedimentary rocks made up of?

Sediment, compressed dead solid organisms.

What are substances made from dead viruses?

Vaccines for the prevention of the specific viral infection can be made with inactive "dead" viruses. They are also made with live, but attenuated (weakened), viruses. See more below about vaccines.

What is fossilized coral made of?

Dead organisms that were living million / billion/S of years ago.

Where is oil made from?

Oil comes from fossil fuel and oil is mainly dead plants organisms.

What type of sedimentary rock is made from dead organisms?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is often formed from the remains of dead marine organisms such as shells and coral. This type of rock is composed mainly of calcium carbonate.

What substances are made of carbon hydrogen and oxygen?

Substances made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen include sugars (like glucose and sucrose), fats (such as triglycerides), and proteins (amino acids). These substances are essential for providing energy, building structures in cells, and regulating various functions in living organisms.

How do you make coral?

Coral is not made by us.It is made up of exoskeletons of dead minuscule organisms found in the sea which form reefs.

What is biodegradable made from?

Something that is "biodegradable" is made form substances that will break down completely and quickly when exposed to sunlight and moisture (and possibly micro-organisms). A good example is "packing peanuts" made from cornstarch.

What use is made of biotechnology as the sewage works?

Biotechnology is used in sewage treatment plants to aid in the breakdown of organic matter by microorganisms, leading to cleaner water that can be discharged back into the environment. Biotechnological methods can also be used to remove pollutants and harmful substances from sewage, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of wastewater treatment processes.

What two substances does urea make up?

Urea is made up of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. It is a compound formed from ammonia and carbon dioxide during the liver's breakdown of proteins.