

Are wow bugs animals

Updated: 11/15/2022
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10y ago

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maybe not but they are insects

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10y ago
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Q: Are wow bugs animals
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to hold its brain hahahahaha

Do sow bugs have chloroplasts?

Bugs are kind of animals . Animals do not have chloroplasts.

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bugs such as beetles worms and birds live off these animals/bugs

What are bugs they are not animals?

Bugs are insects which IS a type of ANIMAL.

Are bugs dangerous?

No bugs are not dangerous but, some bugs can be very harmful to people, animals, and other bugs too.

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spiders and bugs the bugs are hard becase the bugs are animals the animals can run and the animals can jump and you can do the things that the bugs do if you keep a bug you need to keep the bug in a nice place becase the bug can be sad and the bug will run a way

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Bow Wow has 1 dog named Princess

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no there harmless to animals if there eaten

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what?? i am soooo confused!! wow wow wait uhm YEAHHHHH

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