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Yes they are.

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Q: Are squids marine animals
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Related questions

What type of animals live in the Marine ocean?

penguins, octpus,squids,fish,ect

What is Teuthophagy?

Teuthophagy is the consumption of squids by marine animals. It is a common feeding behavior observed in various species such as whales, dolphins, seals, and some fish. Squids are a nutritious food source for these marine predators.

Are spiders part of the squid family?

No. Spider spiders and squids are completely unrelated. Squids are marine animals that belong the the phylum Molluska and spiders are primarily land animals that belong to the phylum Arthropoda.

Is a cuttlefish a herbivore?

No. Squids eat other marine animals; therefore being a carnivore.

What type of environment are giant squids in?


Are squids flesh-eating animals?

No squids are not flesh- eating animals the only underwater flesh-eating animal is a shark

What is the collective name for a group of squid?

Squids are marine animals, and since they travel together like fish, they are probably called a "school" when they are together, as in, "a school of squids." It's interesting that so many different names are used for groups of different wildlife. For more information, please see the related links, below.

Are there female squids or are there male squids?

As with most animals, there are both male and female squid.

Is a squid a omnivore?

No, squids are carnivores. They primarily feed on fish, shrimp, and other small marine animals.

Are giant squids Antarctic animals?


What animals has long tentacles?

octupuses and squids

What is the function of a squids liver?

Squid are cephalopods, a marine animal that has bilateral body symmetry and a unique head. The function of a squids liver is to absorb digested food.