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Fossils are made when a living thing dies and is buried by mud, silt, volcanic ash, or sand. Fossils could also be frozen in ice, mummified in hot or cold deserts, or preserved in tar. Usually, all of a living thing's soft parts decay, leaving only the hard parts to be buried, except when a living thing is frozen or mummified. The mud, silt, and sand are called sediments.

The sediments have water with minerals in it. The minerals in the water soak into the hard parts, changing them into a rock like material and preserving the hard parts as fossils.

One kind of fossilization is called replacement, where the minerals have replaced, molecule by molecule, the hard parts of the remains.

Permineralization is another kind of fossilization. Permineralization happens when the minerals have only filled in the spaces of the hard parts of the remains.

Living things which die in or near oceans, lakes, or rivers have a better chance of fossilization than those which die on dry land, because they will be quickly buried. Over thousands and millions of years the sediments form heavy layers which slowly turn into sedimentary rock.

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Q: Are fossils made out of plants and animal long ago?
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The most common four types of fossils are:mold fossils(a fossilized impression made in the substrate - a negative image of the organism)cast fossils(formed when a mold is filled in)trace fossils = ichnofossils(fossilized nests, gastroliths, burrows, footprints, etc.)true form fossils(fossils of the actual animal or animal part).

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Fossils are depositions of dead animal imprints and/or bones. When an animal or plant dies, its skin rots away, leaving behind the bone or imprint.

How fossils are made?

Fossils are made by the body of a plant or an animal, insect or other living being that has been trapped on or in a rock. Over hundreds, thousands, or millions of years, the organism disintegrates and is replaced by minerals.

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What are fossils made from?

Fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas) are made, over long periods of time, from vegetable matter including algae, ferns, etc. Sometimes in popular culture, fossil fuels are said to result from dinosaur remains, but that is not the case; dinosaurs, like any other animal, will decay after death, and do not leave behind any fossil fuels (although they do leave behind fossils of other sorts).

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Most Virginia fossils are what type of organisms?

Well, dinosaurs made fossils; plants, insects, nearly everything made fossils. To list them all here would take too much time and space on the server. i would suggest narrowing your question to more specific criteria.