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Animals are classified according to many factors the first group is broke down based on if they have a back bone. Then they are classified by cell types such as animal cells, plant cells and fungi.

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One way to classify animals is by the presence or absence of a backbone. Animals with a spine are known as vertebrates, while animals without them are known as invertebrates.

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Body parts such as shells, pouches, webbed feet and others are used to classify animals. These things can be used to determine where an animal lived and how it used its body to survive.

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Q: Are animals classified according to their body structure?
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Animals are classified according to body plan as?

Animals are classified according to body plan as symmetrical or asymmetrical. Symmetrical animals are usually bilateral (two-sided) or radial (multiple planes of symmetry), while asymmetrical animals have no defined body plan. These classifications help scientists understand the evolutionary relationships between different groups of animals.

What are 3 criteria for animal classification?

Body structure: Animals can be classified based on their body symmetry (such as radial or bilateral symmetry) and body features (like presence of a backbone). Reproduction: Animals can be grouped based on their mode of reproduction, whether they lay eggs, give birth to live young, or reproduce asexually. Habitat and behavior: Animals can also be classified based on their habitat (land, water, or air) and behavior patterns (for example, carnivores or herbivores).

Why is a spider classified as an animal?

Spiders are classified as animals because they belong to the kingdom Animalia. They are multicellular, heterotrophic organisms that possess specialized cells and tissues, as well as a defined body structure with distinct organ systems. Additionally, spiders exhibit characteristics such as mobility, growth, and reproduction that align with the defining features of animals.

Does a bald eagle have a back bone?

Yes, a bald eagle, like all birds, has a backbone. The backbone, or spine, is part of the bird's skeletal system and provides support and structure to its body.

What do biologists look at when they classify an animal?

Biologists classify animals by their body structure, the way their body structure develops, and by their DNA.

All animals are?

living organisms with the ability to move and consume food for energy. They can be classified into different groups based on characteristics such as body structure, reproduction methods, and habitat.

What are the classification groups for each of the 5 kingdoms?

Animalia: Classified based on body structure, presence of a backbone, and method of reproduction. Plantae: Classified based on presence of cell walls, ability to photosynthesize, and reproductive structures. Fungi: Classified based on mode of nutrition (absorptive), type of reproductive structures, and cell wall composition. Protista: Classified based on cell type, mode of nutrition, and locomotion. Monera: Classified based on cell structure, presence of a nucleus, and method of reproduction.

What are a list of animals and their body temperatures?

simple enzyme molecular structure

What do you called scientific study of the body of man or animal?

Anatomy is about the structure of the body. Zoology is about practically everything related to animals, their internal structure and habits.

What is the anatomy study of?

Typically, the science of the structure and parts of organisms.

Can animals die from body wash?

its according to what kind it is

What are the examples of acoelomate animals?

Flatworms, such as tapeworms and planarians, are examples of acoelomate animals. These animals lack a true body cavity called a coelom and have a solid body structure instead.