All livebearers can be sexed the same way. The female livebearers all have a triangular anal fin and in the males, this fin is elogated and pointed like a finger.
First make sure it is indeed a female platy. The fin closes to the anal gland is more squared on a female and more elongated on a male. The belly part closes to the head starts to look swollen or kind of bloated(almost like its gonna explode). It takes approx. 3-4 weeks to have fry(baby fish from livebearers)
It takes around 3 - 4 weeks for a platy fish to give birth.
Yes! Because they are both livebearers, they are great tankmates for each other and can happily live in the same tank. Other good compatible tankmates would be swordtails and guppies, which are also livebearers. Livebearers tend to stick together and can be the perfect set up for a community aquarium.
Any fish that gives birth to live young or go to www.animalworld./encyclo/fresh/livebearers/livebearers/.htm.
They are freshwater fish.
They are livebearers. The male will chase the female (often incessantly; keep at least two females per male to prevent excessive stress). His anal fin is modified into an organ to internally fertilise the female. His sperm fertilises eggs that develop inside her. Approximately once a month she gives birth to between 10 and 80 live fry.
There are fish that are a "rosy red" colour that are livebearers. There are both Platties and Swordtails that can have such colouring. But if you are referring to a fish that is called a "Rosy Red Barb" then these are egg layers.
A platy is a type of tropical fish. It is not a quantity or measure so one can not have a "platy of" anything including guppies.
Fish Food, Fish Flakes, dried Blood Worms
They are livebearers and breed like guppies.
no, they are community fish