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Corn cobs are not safe for dogs to eat as they can cause intestinal blockages and other health issues. It is important to avoid giving corn cobs to dogs as a treat.

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Q: Are corn cobs good for dogs to eat?
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Are corn cobs safe for dogs to eat?

Yes, corn cobs are not safe for dogs to eat as they can pose a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockages. It is recommended to avoid giving corn cobs to dogs.

Can dogs safely eat cooked corn cobs?

No, dogs should not eat cooked corn cobs as they can pose a choking hazard and may cause digestive issues. It is best to avoid feeding corn cobs to dogs.

Can corn cobs hurt dogs if they eat them?

Yes, corn cobs can hurt dogs if they eat them. The cob can cause intestinal blockages or choking hazards for dogs. It is important to keep corn cobs away from dogs to prevent any potential harm.

Can dogs safely eat corn cobs?

No, dogs should not eat corn cobs as they can pose a choking hazard and may cause intestinal blockages. It is important to keep corn cobs away from dogs to prevent any potential harm.

Can dogs have the cob of corn?

No, dogs should not eat corn cobs as they can be a choking hazard and may cause digestive issues. It is best to avoid giving corn cobs to dogs.

Can dogs eat corn cobs?

No, dogs should not eat corn cobs as they can pose a choking hazard and may cause intestinal blockages. It is important to remove the corn kernels from the cob before feeding them to your dog.

Will raw corn cobs attract raccoons?

Unless the cobs have juicy kernels of corn on them, they will probably not be interested in corn cobs. If any corm remains they will eat it, however.

Can a dog eat a corn cob and be fine?

No, a dog should not eat a corn cob as it can cause intestinal blockage and other health issues. It is important to keep corn cobs away from dogs to prevent any potential harm.

Do rabbits eat corn on the cob?

Is suggested that if rabbits do eat corn it must be raw. Rabbits also enjoy eating the cobs and the husks of the corn as well.

Can dogs eat corn cobs?

It will not harm them if they do it will probally make them open there bowels more than usual but that's about it It will not harm them if they do it will probally make them open there bowels more than usual but that's about it Be careful my dogs get skin allergies from corn-If not allergic it should be okay.

What food might you eat off a cob?

You eat a pig and a nice fat horse and then yourself. Be happy!

Is corn good for dogs?

Of course not! They are mostly meat after all. If you feed them corn dogs they will eat them like any other foods. However, if they are given too many they will not be getting a properly balanced diet.