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An animal zygote first becomes a pre-embryo, then embryo, and with later development, a fetus. The term of gestation varies with each animal.

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Q: An animal zygote divides to form?
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What an animal zygote divides to form?

Animal zygotes divide to form more cells. The zygote divides itself many times by mitosis until an embryo is formed.

What animal zygote divides to form .?

Animal zygotes divide to form more cells. The zygote divides itself many times by mitosis until an embryo is formed.

An animal zygote divides to form a what?

After the zygote forms, its cells divide until they form a hollow ball of cells called a Blastula.

When the zygote divides where does the zygote implant?


Which term refers to a fertilized human egg before it begins to divide?

The fertilized egg cell is called a zygote and divides to form an embryo.

How does morula compare in size to the original zygote?

A morula is generally larger in size than the original zygote. The zygote divides through mitosis to form the morula, which is a cluster of cells.

Process by which cell divides into two daughter cells?

This is meiosis, not to be confused with mitosis (which is non sexual) - remember it like this: toes arent sexy!Meiosis is when a zygote divides to form 2 cells, which then divide again to form 2 daughter cells. These cells are not identical to the original zygote.

Place these in order Placenta forms Zygote divides Fertilization occurs Gastrulation begins Heart forms?

Fertilization occurs -> Zygote divides -> Placenta forms -> Gastrulation begins -> Heart forms.

What are the development of zygote?

zygote divides by mitosis as it travels along the oviduct to the uterus where implantation takes place. The zygote developes into embryo and placenta

What is the process called when two cells combine?

The process is called fertilization, where two haploid cells (sperm and egg) combine to form a diploid zygote. This zygote then divides and develops into a new organism.

When an egg and a sperm join during fertilization they form the first cell of a new organism and this cell divides into many cells to form what?

The first cell formed after fertilization is called a zygote. This zygote undergoes multiple rounds of cell division through a process called mitosis to form a structure known as a blastocyst. The blastocyst then implants into the uterus and continues to develop into an embryo.

What is where a sperm enters an egg?

Fertilization is the process where a sperm cell penetrates the egg cell and their genetic material combines to form a zygote. The zygote then divides and develops into an embryo.