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A.TigersB.Field miceC.InsectsD.All animals trace their energy back to the Sun

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Q: An animal that eats plants and animals how is it traced back to plants?
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How can energy a fox ate be traced back to the sun?

The energy consumed by the fox comes from the plants and animals it eats, which ultimately derive their energy from the sun through photosynthesis. Plants convert sunlight into chemical energy via photosynthesis, which is then passed on through the food chain as animals eat other animals or plants. Thus, the energy consumed by the fox can be traced back to the sun as the original source.

Infer how the energy used by many living things on earth can be traced back to sunlight.?

Many living things can be traced back to sunlight because plants uses sunlight for energy, animals eats that plant getting that energy, than a human eats that animal getting all the energy.

What animals cannot trace the origin of their energy back to plants?

Animals that feed on other animals exclusively, such as carnivores and some omnivores, cannot trace the origin of their energy back to plants. Instead, their energy comes from consuming other animals that have already converted plant energy into their own tissues.

Explain how most energy used on earth can be traced back to the sun?

Photoautotrophs (mostly) are the only organisms which can produce their own food using the energy from the Sun. All other organisms either have to eat plants (primary consumers) or eat animals that eat plants (secondary consumers). There are relatively few tertiary consumers.

How do plants get nutrients from animals?

Plants do not actively get nutrients from animals. Instead, some plants have evolved to form mutualistic relationships with animals, such as certain types of carnivorous plants that capture and digest insects for additional nutrients.

Do plants have a back bone?

Nope. Plants do not have bones. Only animals- and not all animals.

Do plants have back bone?

Nope. Plants do not have bones. Only animals- and not all animals.

Infer how the energy used by many living things on earth can be traced back to sun light?

Plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose through photosynthesis. This glucose is used by plants for energy and growth. When animals eat plants, they obtain the stored energy from glucose, and this energy is transferred through the food chain as animals are consumed by other animals. Ultimately, all energy used by living things can be traced back to the original source of sunlight that was captured by plants.

How do animals like the deer pictured contributed to the nitrogen cycle?

Animals such as deer eat plants that contain nitrogen. The nitrogen helps the animals build and repair cells. When that animal dies, the nitrogen is released back into the atmosphere.

Why did Lewis and Clark bring back animals and plants?

They sent back animals and plants for Thomas Jefferson to study and marvel at. I hope this answered your question!

What level of a consumer is a animal if they only eat animals that eat plants?

An animal that only eats animals that eat plants is considered a secondary consumer. This is because they are consuming organisms that are one step removed from the primary producers (plants) in the food chain.

Explain why animals food and energy can be traced back to plants and the sun?

Animals acquire their food and energy by consuming plants or other animals that feed on plants. Plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars through photosynthesis, providing the base energy source for the entire food chain. This creates a flow of energy from the sun to plants, to herbivores, and then to carnivores in an ecosystem.