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Honey bees live in a hive, bumble bees live in a nest.

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What is a bumble bees favourite place to live?

Most bumble bees live in suitable holes, such as abandoned mouse holes in the ground or in soil banks.

What is a hive?

A hive is something that bees live in. It can also be "a place in which people are busily occupied."

What would happen if the scout bee didnt do his job?

The bees wouldn't have a place to live.

Where bees live?

bees live in beehives

Do honey bees live in Mexico?

Yes honey bees live in Mexico

Why do bees live in large colonies?

Only honey bees (Apis Mellifera) live in large colonies of up to 80,000 bees because they work as a team and are known as social bees. Other bees live individually or in small groups and are known as solitary bees.

Do drones live alone or do they live with other kinds of bees?

It depends on the species of bee. With solitary bees they will live alone, but with social bees they live with the colony. Honey bee drones could not live alone because they depend on the worker bees to feed them.

Do bees live in Asian?

Bees live everywhere in the world except for the Arctic and Antarctic.

Do bees live in Japan?

Yes, there are bees in Japan.

What bees live in?

Bees stay in bee hives.

What do you call a place where for keeping and breeding insects?

Beekeepers keep and breed bees. They build large homes for the bees that are considered to be bee hives. The bees live and work in these man made beehives just the same as those they build.

What is the honey bees common place?

Honey Bees LOVE to chill around parks, gardens and they also live almost in every state in the U.S.A.! And if you meant what state they are the commonly in.... well there is none!