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a caravan

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Elnora Herman

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2y ago
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Q: A group of traveling animals and merchants?
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What is a group of traveling merchants called?

A group of travelling merchants are called carvans

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Name three ways that Arabs who lived in villages made their living?

To fend off attacks by Bedouins many traveled in a caravan, or group of traveling merchants and animals.

What are groups of traveling merchants and animals?

They are called i dont know lol get pranked lololololoolloololoooloololollololoollolololololololololololololo

What are a group of traveling merchants called?


When was Merchants Insurance Group created?

Merchants Insurance Group was created in 1918.

What is the population of Merchants Insurance Group?

Merchants Insurance Group's population is 323.

When was China Merchants Group created?

China Merchants Group was created in 1872.

Were the early Hebrews traveling merchants?

No. They were shepherds and farmers.

What is Merchants Insurance Group's motto?

The motto of Merchants Insurance Group is 'Earning Your Business Every Day'.

What is called to a group of merchants?


What do you call group of people traveling in the desert?

A caravan is a group of people traveling together.