The Assyrians exchanged aristocracies between different areas so that the rulers would not be sympathetic to the ruled. This way they got their way using proxies.
The assyrians exiled the people they conquered out of their homelands or took them in as slaves.
no they were not, they did not concetrate so much in war, but they were the greatest mathemathicians,astronomers,and they were highly civilized, we can say that the Babylonians were the most civilized people in the ancient times. They brothers the Assyrians were great warriors,i say so because both the Babylonians and Assyrians were descendants from Amorites,Akkadians, and Sumerians. Assyrians were the greatest warriors of ancient times,they army was a standing machine, and they were inventors of cavalry,siege machines,and they were the first to use those famous cavalry archers, but indeed they were so great warriors theyr empire collapse because unknown reasons.
Mesopotamia, the Levant and Egypt.
The Aztec society was so successful because they were great at hunting, farming, trading, and building.
The Assyrians were considered a 'warrior people' by their contemporaries and they were led by a succession of very successful and astute military leaders as kings.
i dont now
i dont now
because they killed or enslaved the people they captured
The Assyrians wouldn't be as successful as they were knowing how to strengthen iron.
The Israelites, the Phoenicians, the Babylonians, the Sumerians, and the Assyrians
The Hittites were successful for their use of iron weapons and chariots. The Assyrians, later, used these same tools.
Because they thought if they were superior, they could come together and make one tribe.
The Assyrian government was very militaristic and had a monarchy. It was the Babylonians that created the code of Hammurabi. The Assyrians were the first know terrorists and were very brutal to their enemies. They tortured prisoners and slaves. The government was successful because the Assyrians built roads and started a postal service that enabled faster communication.
The Assyrians were very strong in transport of goods so they started out talking through their empire by this way
The Assyrians and Chaldeans wanted to get power so they can rule over the Israelites.
The Assyrians and Chaldeans wanted to get power so they can rule over the Israelites.