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It provided internal and external security, retained the traditional forms of government, with Persian provincial governors and central government for overall control, and by keeping taxes low.

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Q: Why was the Persian empire so successful?
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What caused the Persian Empire to fall?

The carefully planned and executed successful assault by Alexander the Great.

Why was the Persian empire successful?

Its leaders were military and economic Geniuses, also very kind and compassionate.

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All of them, so he could take over all of the Persian Empire.

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Cyrus established the Persian Empire. Darius consolidated it. Each to his own success.

Why was the Persian empire so politically successful?

They left customary local government in place, and provided stability and regional security, all for the price of very moderate taxation.

What was the name of the Persian Empire?

The Persian Empire.

Who was the Persian empire?

The Persian Empire was not a person.

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Why were the Persians so successful at uniting and maintain this empire?

They divided the empire into 20 provinces with Persian governors but left the cities, tribes and principalities under their traditional rules, blending normal rule with overall control and protection.